Somascan Fathers and Brothers (C.R.S.)
"I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you." Jn14:18
The Somascan Family in USA
By the grace of our vocation God gathers us to live in common as a new family in faith:
loving one another as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, we form in him one heart and one soul, and, sanctified by the Spirit of the Lord, we announce the kingdom of God and serve the poor.
Community Life in our Constitutions and Rules (CCRR)
The communion of life that flows from the bond of our profession, makes us brothers in the Somascan Congregation and commits us to faithfully live her charism. We consider the Congregation as our mother and we are to know and love her. With generous availability, we offer ourselves to her, ready to go wherever obedience may send us, so that she might yield abundant fruit in the Church.
In accordance with our Constitutions, our religious, both priests and lay brothers, enjoy equal rights and obligations, unless otherwise prescribed by canon law. Through everyone’s faithful cooperation, in compliance with the grace God bestows upon each one, the Congregation receives from the Lord the strength to grow and build up herself in love .
Our Constitutions, integrated by the Rules, are the fundamental norm of our life. Our faithful observance of them makes us sharers in a common way of life, which strengthens the bonds of love, assists us in our individual and common journey toward holiness, and makes our testimony fruitful. Our religious are expected to observe the Constitutions and Rules by virtue of their profession. Superiors may temporarily exempt religious from some disciplinary norms.
The Congregation manifests and makes herself present in the local communities, where, gathered in the name of the Lord, the brothers are strengthened by his Word, welcome each other in love and simplicity of heart, share everything in common, and persevere unanimous in prayer and apostolic work.
Every day our communities are called to grow in love. Moved by faith, love leads to give oneself to the brothers. Through brotherly love, which finds nourishment in the mystery of the Eucharist, the community abides in Christ, is enriched by his mind, and lives in Christian joy.
Prayer, work, the chapter, meals, and fraternal encounters are special moments in the life of the community, a sign and a source of communion. Their practical implementation is determined by the Superior, after consulting the chapter of the house, taking into account the instructions of the Chapters and Superiors, and with the approval of the competent Major Superior.